What We Believe

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus.

Statement of Faith

We believe that God works in our world and in our lives in three ways:

God our Creator values all human beings. We are called into partnership with God. God has given us the responsibility for our lives and the life of the world.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the source of our salvation. Through faith in Jesus Christ we are forgiven our sins, made right with God and given a new life in which faith is lived out in the world.
The Holy Spirit, God with us, guides us in our Christian life and empowers our daily living.

We believe that the Christian life involves representing God in the world through Christian mission, social witness, and faith sharing. We grow in our faith through participation in the Christian community. We are obligated to reflect thoughtfully on the scriptures, which are illumined by tradition, brought to life in personal experience and confirmed by reason.

Our Vision

First United Methodist Church is a church where people:
Meet Jesus Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.
Come to know and understand the Bible.
Experience that unique brand of friendship that we know as Christian fellowship.

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